Keynote Forum
David Kannar
Chairman, Founder & Chief Science Officer – Nutrition Innovation Group
Keynote: Nucane Lifeâ„¢ - a revolutionary new amorphous sugar ingredient platform offering up to 70% sugar reduction
Time : 10:00 AM to 10:40 AM

Dr. David Kannar is Chairman, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Nutrition Innovation, who developed Nucane – the good sugar® Dr. Kannar is also a clinical pharmacologist and Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. His recent food research interests include the clinical study of phytochemicals in diabetes and obesity, the use of foods to prevent metabolic syndrome and improving gut microbiome. Dr. Kannar has been recognised as one of Australia’s leading inventors with over 50 patent families lodged.
Statement of the Problem: Obesity and diabetes have been described as global epidemics [1], having a $2 trillion-dollar economic impact each year [2]. Over 63% of Australians are now overweight or obese [3]. Globally, refined foods and carbohydrates including white refined sugar, are thought to be causal in this crisis [4]. If sugar is the problem, can sugar also be part of the solution? Reducing the glycemic response by consuming unrefined foods, can help maintain stable body weight and diabetics manage blood glucose levels, [5] but more is needed including significant sugar reduction. Nucane™ is a standardised raw sugar, that retains natural antioxidant polyphenols of sugar cane [6]. Natural caramels retained in this less refined sugar, make Nucane sweeter, resulting in up to 20% added sugar reduction. More recently, this discovery was extended into a new sugar reduction platform called - Nucane Life™, a range of less refined amorphous raw sugars. The platform can replace refined white sugars and reduce added sugars by up to 70% in food and beverage recipes.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: To achieve substantial sugar reductions in food systems by using Nucane Life - a new ingredient platform, whilst maintaining sweetness and improved health outcomes.
Finding: Unrefined sugar cane syrup was dried with an amorphous ‘low bulk’ density substrate, producing a range of new natural sugar powders called Nucane Life. Trials were conducted to replace white refined sugar in various foods. In chocolate, Nucane achieved a 70% reduction in sugar with no requirement for additional bulk filling, whilst maintaining taste and sweetness. The Nucane Life platform can utilise a range of ‘low bulk’ density substrates that achieve significant sugar reduction. These include dairy and vegetable proteins, fibers and intense-sweeteners.
Conclusion & Significance: Nucane Life provides a healthier, natural, scalable, efficient sugar reduction ingredient platform, to help address the world-wide battle against diabetes and obesity. The Nucane Life platform focuses on making unrefined sugar the solution to the sugar crisis.